Life Advice is an investment product which provides a quote for an appropriate investment fund based on the risk criteria of the customer. The quote consists of an assessment of the users income and offers a guiding recommendation based on risk and suitability for application. This product was the first e2e bank product that allows the users to obtain a quote and follow directly through to application within the same session NIAC/BOI Group.
Life Advice has won the Digital Impact in Financial Services CX Award 2022 for best in class customer experience Bank of Ireland/New Ireland Insurance. This project had already been a number of weeks into dicovery when it was brought to the myself for a usability review.
Early stage prototype was provided which consisted of a quote journey and an application for the appropriate investment based on user criteria. An heuristic analysis of the 59 screens was tasked and I undertook a round of guerilla testing on the prototype which was designed for desktop and mobile.
As the prototype transitioned to development (staging prototype), a series of expert reviews with various stakeholders risk and business analysts was conducted. User Testing was commissioned through an official recruiter for customer validation with six respondents each BOI premier customers. This test would prove critical to the refinement of cutomer interaction and the error or kickout paths which were determined by the risk mitigation section in the quote forms.
A significant mapping task was conducted to implement Life Advice into the existing legacy architecture as a key step to integration of the design. The task being primarily to offer customers and option ot invest following a Financial Wellbeing review of their personal cicumstances. This mapping excercise consisted of current state blueprints and also highlighted the constraints or 'if' scenarios which often appear throughout integration with older systems.
UAT testing and customer validation on the staging prototype, we recruited 6x high income participants for the lab testing facility at BOI Camden Street (CX Hub) for in-person moderated testing. The testing reports consisted of key qualitative feedback in order for the final UI amendments for release 1.0.
"If i read the print during this process from the start, and i feel i have to; it would be much longer than 20 minutes to complete."A release to staff and bank associated personnel followed and shortly afterwards the Life Advice went to broadcast and took it's place in the Premier customer section of the group website. Reviews of the program were genrally positive and the customer appetite proved very strong during the pandemic with a higher than expected customer subscription within the first few months of it's realease.
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